The more I learn the less I know…


I was unsure about defining this as I wanted people to come to the realisation on their own but here it is anyway.

“The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know.” – Socrates.

“The more I learn, the more I realise how much I don’t know.” – Albert Einstein.

“The more I learn, the more I realise that there is so much more to learn.” – Jeff Pine.

“The more you learn in any field, the more you realise that life is more about questions than answers.” – unknown source.

Let’s say I read a book and at the end I want to deepen my knowledge of said book.

I go to the bibliography and then find that the author has read, sometimes, 20 or 30 books on the topic.

So in order to learn all that the author has learnt I will have to read at least all the books that he/she has read.

The more learned you are, the more questions you can come up with.

So, the more I learn the less I know.

About Jeff Pine

Jeff Pine is an Irish, Malta-based blogger, freelance writer, truth-seeker, mistake-maker, lesson-learner and founder of Jeff (nom de plume) has overcome various ailments such as poor digestion (symptoms of IBS), a debilitating form of psoriasis and extreme mental fog (poor memory).'s mission is to disseminate favourable information on positive living, bio-hacking, how to clean up our lifestyle by making informed decisions about the food and water we consume and much more.
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