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Unmasking the Risks: The Hazards of Synthetic Fragrance, Parabens, Aluminium, and Chemicals in Commercial Deodorants

In our daily quest for personal hygiene, commercial deodorants have become a staple. However, beneath the pleasant scents and promises of long-lasting freshness, there lies a potential health concern. In this article, we’ll explore the dangers associated with synthetic fragrances, parabens, aluminium, and other chemicals commonly found in commercial deodorants. Let’s delve into peer-reviewed scientific studies that underscore the potential risks and urge a thoughtful reconsideration of our personal care choices.

1. Synthetic Fragrances: A Scented Intrigue

Background: Synthetic fragrances are ubiquitous in commercial deodorants, offering an array of scents to appeal to consumers. However, the term “fragrance” often conceals a complex mixture of chemicals.

Dangers: Many synthetic fragrances contain phthalates, known endocrine disruptors that can interfere with hormonal balance, contributing to reproductive issues and potential links to certain cancers.

  1. Phthalate Exposure Levels: A study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that ‘chronic exposure to phthalates will adversely influence the endocrine system and functioning of multiple organs, which has negative long-term impacts on the success of pregnancy, child growth and development, and reproductive systems in both young children and adolescents.’
  2. Hormonal Disruption Rates: Research in the NIH details the clinical aspects of endocrine disruption in humans.

2. Parabens: Preserving More Than Expected

Background: Parabens, common preservatives in deodorants, are known to extend shelf life. However, their ability to mimic estrogen in the body raises concerns.

Dangers: Parabens have been detected in breast tissue, prompting concerns about their potential role in breast cancer development due to hormonal imbalances.

  1. Paraben Concentrations in Breast Tissue: A study in the NIH explored the presence and levels of parabens in human breast tissue.
  2. Breast Cancer Incidence: Research in the NIH Epidemiology examined the correlation between paraben exposure and increased breast cancer rates.

3. Aluminium: From Antiperspirant to Health Concern

Background: Aluminium compounds are often used in commercial deodorants for their antiperspirant properties, blocking sweat ducts to reduce perspiration.

Dangers: Growing evidence links aluminium exposure to neurotoxicity, raising concerns about its potential role in Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, its impact on breast tissue has sparked scientific inquiry.

  1. Aluminium in Brain Tissue: A study in the NIH investigated the presence and accumulation of aluminium in the brains of individuals with prolonged exposure.
  2. Breast Cancer Rates: Research in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry explored the correlation between long-term aluminium exposure and increased breast cancer incidence.

4. Chemical Cocktail: Unveiling the Unseen Risks

Background: Commercial deodorants often contain a plethora of synthetic chemicals, contributing to skin irritation, allergies, and potential respiratory issues.

Dangers: Cumulative exposure to this chemical cocktail raises concerns about long-term health effects, prompting a reevaluation of the products we apply daily.

  1. Skin Irritation Incidence: A study in the NIH evaluates exposure to scented products and explores associations between exposure and fragrance contact allergy.
  2. Respiratory Issues: Research in the NIH explored the incidence of respiratory problems and lung disease associated with prolonged exposure to deodorant chemicals.

Embrace a Chemical-Free Lifestyle

As we draw the curtain on this journey through the labyrinth of everyday products, armed with knowledge about the potential hazards lurking in our cabinets, it’s time to take charge. Your commitment to a healthier, chemical-free lifestyle begins with a simple step—staying informed.

By choosing to like, follow, share, and subscribe, you’re not just signing up for updates; you’re joining a community dedicated to dismantling the stronghold of harmful chemicals in our daily lives. Together, we can redefine our choices, one product at a time.

So, hit that like button to show your support, follow for a steady stream of insightful tips, share with friends and family to amplify the ripple effect, and subscribe to stay on the forefront of the chemical-free revolution. Let’s spread the word, share the wisdom, and build a future where our everyday products are as pure as our intentions.

Every click and share is a pledge towards a world where the beauty of our surroundings matches the healthiness of our choices. Your support fuels our mission to empower individuals like you with the knowledge to make informed decisions.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Let’s embark on a future free from harmful chemicals together. Stay tuned for more tips, insights, and inspiration. Remember, the power to redefine our relationship with everyday products lies in your hands. Like, follow, share, and subscribe—because a healthier, chemical-free world begins with you!

Discover the Refreshing World of Natural Deodorants

Deodorants play a crucial role in our daily personal care routine, helping us combat body odour and stay fresh. However, conventional deodorants often contain harmful chemicals like aluminum, parabens, and phthalates. The good news? Natural deodorants provide a healthier alternative, harnessing the power of plant-based ingredients and essential oils. In this article, let’s delve into the wonderful benefits of making the switch to natural deodorants.

Benefits of Natural Deodorants:

  1. Gentle on Your Skin: Traditional deodorants can be harsh on your skin due to the presence of harmful chemicals. Natural deodorants, free from aluminum, parabens, and phthalates, offer a gentle and nurturing solution. Say goodbye to skin irritations and potential health risks associated with conventional alternatives.
  2. Perfect for Sensitive Skin: If you have sensitive skin, the struggle to find a suitable deodorant is real. Natural deodorants, crafted with care using mild ingredients, are a relief for those with sensitive skin. Embrace the soothing soothing touch of nature without worrying about irritation or allergies.
  3. Eco-Friendly Practices: Embrace an environmentally conscious lifestyle by opting for natural deodorants. With eco-friendly ingredients and plastic-free packaging, these deodorants make a positive impact on the planet. It’s a small step towards reducing waste and caring for our beautiful home.
  4. Odor Control Magic: Bust the myth that natural deodorants are less effective. Many of them boast natural odor-neutralizing agents like arrowroot powder and antibacterial essential oils, ensuring you stay fresh throughout the day. Enjoy the confidence of effective odour control without compromising your health.
  5. Healthier Choice: Prioritize your well-being by choosing natural deodorants. Steer clear of harsh chemicals found in conventional products and reduce your exposure to potential health risks. Your health deserves a natural, wholesome approach.

In Conclusion:

Natural deodorants aren’t just a trend; they’re a lifestyle choice that brings numerous benefits. From shielding your skin from harmful chemicals to contributing to a greener planet, these deodorants have it all. If you’re considering the switch, take a moment to read labels carefully and find the perfect natural deodorant that aligns with your unique needs.

Introduction and Benefits of Natural Deodorants

Deodorants are a common personal care product that many people use to control body odour. However, conventional deodorants often contain harsh chemicals such as aluminum, parabens, and phthalates that have been linked to health concerns such as skin irritation, breast cancer, and disruptions to the endocrine system. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in natural deodorants made from plant-based ingredients and essential oils (that are free from harmful chemicals) to neutralise odour and keep you feeling fresh. In this blog post, we will explore what you need to know about natural deodorants and the benefits of using them over conventional deodorants.

Common Concerns and Solutions

1. Efficacy:

One common concern about natural deodorants is their effectiveness in controlling odor. Natural deodorants work differently from conventional deodorants, but they are just as effective in controlling odor if used correctly. It is important to apply natural deodorants to clean, dry skin and reapply as necessary throughout the day.

2. Skin Sensitivity:

Many people decide to make the switch to natural deodorants because they found conventional deodorants to be irritating to their skin. Some people may experience skin irritation or allergic reactions to natural deodorants. This is usually because they are sensitive to one or more of the ingredients in the deodorant. It is important to read the label carefully and do a patch test before using a new natural deodorant to avoid skin reactions. If you experience skin irritation, discontinue use and try a different natural deodorant and try to avoid those that contain baking soda or bicarbonate of soda as, I’ve found it to be irritating to sensitive skin.

3. Transition Period:

When switching from conventional deodorants to natural deodorants, some people may experience a transition period where they sweat more or experience more odor. This is because conventional deodorants often contain antiperspirants that block sweat glands, so the body needs time to adjust to the natural deodorant. The transition period can last from a few days to a few weeks, but it is temporary, and the body will eventually adjust.

4. Stains on Clothes:

Natural deodorants may leave stains on clothes due to their natural ingredients. To avoid this, it is recommended to apply the deodorant and let it dry completely before getting dressed. You can also choose natural deodorants that are formulated to minimize staining.

Benefits of Natural Deodorants:

1. No Harsh Chemicals:

One of the biggest benefits of natural deodorants is that they are free from harsh chemicals such as aluminium, parabens, phthalates and triclosan. These chemicals can cause skin irritation, hormone disruption, Alzheimer’s and even cancer. By choosing a natural deodorant, you can avoid exposing your body to these harmful chemicals.

2. Better for Sensitive Skin:

Many people with sensitive skin can’t tolerate conventional deodorants. Natural deodorants, on the other hand, are made with gentle ingredients that are less likely to cause irritation or allergic reactions. If you have sensitive skin, switching to a natural deodorant may be a good option.

3. Environmentally Friendly:

Natural deodorants are typically made with eco-friendly ingredients that are gentle on the environment. Additionally, many natural deodorants come in plastic-free packaging, which reduces waste and helps protect the planet.

4. Effective Odour Control:

Contrary to popular belief, natural deodorants can be just as effective as conventional deodorants when it comes to controlling body odour.  Natural deodorants are formulated to combat body odour by neutralizing the bacteria that cause the odour. They contain natural antibacterial agents such as tea tree oil, lavender oil, and sage oil that are effective in controlling odour.

5. Eco-Friendly:

Natural deodorants are often packaged in eco-friendly materials such as glass jars, paper tubes, or metal tins that are recyclable or biodegradable. This reduces the amount of plastic waste generated by conventional deodorants that come in plastic containers.

6. Better for Your Health:

Using natural deodorants can help protect your overall health. Natural deodorants typically contain plant-based ingredients such as coconut oil, arrowroot powder, clay, and essential oils that are not only gentle and safe for the skin the also nourish the skin, our body’s largest organ! These ingredients are less likely to cause skin irritation or allergic reactions compared to the synthetic compounds used in conventional deodorants. By avoiding harsh chemicals and other potentially harmful ingredients found in conventional deodorants, you reduce your risk of exposure to harmful substances.


In conclusion, natural deodorants are a safe and effective alternative to conventional deodorants that contain harmful chemicals. They are made from natural ingredients that are gentle on the skin and eco-friendly. While there may be a transition period and some concerns about efficacy and skin sensitivity, these issues can be addressed with proper use and selection of natural deodorants. Or, alternatively, make your own at home! Switching to a natural deodorant is a small but impactful step that can benefit both your personal health and the environment.

The Interconnectedness of Everything

An argument for why ‘God’ and ‘Energy’ are the same thing led me to develop a theory for ‘The Interconnectedness of Everything’!

“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” – Carl Sagan


We don’t know what we don’t (can’t) know. But what we do know is that Energy exists and there is only one Energy.


I am 100% Agnostic and have been since a very young age, although I had never come across the term ‘Agnostic’ or the belief of Agnosticism as a viable alternative to Christianity, in particular, Catholicism as a child and young adult!

For those who aren’t familiar with Agnosticism, it is pretty much the belief that you don’t know and can’t prove the existence of God. I’ve wondered that if there actually IS a God then she/he/it couldn’t impose too much vengeance on you for being Agnostic!


The First Law of Thermodynamics states that Energy can not be created nor destroyed, it just is.


If Energy simply is then it must, at least, be omnipresent (one of the requirements of being ‘God’, right?). Energy is all around us, we just can’t see it!


We know that Energy is, well, Energy and it gives us… POWER, so it must be potent. If it’s potent and everywhere at the same time then it must be… omnipotent (all-powerful)! Another ‘God’ trait.


That leaves omniscience, is Energy all-knowing? I posit that if everything is made up of Energy/vibrating atoms at the molecular level then Energy must be everything that has ever been and ever will be and if Energy is everything (and everything is Energy) then it must, on some level, have a memory/frequency of past events. Not too dissimilar to how our bodies retain memories of traumas that our minds have chosen not to remember (dissociation).


That segues nicely into my next theory, that we are all connected to this universal Energy. Us humans are physical beings but we are also energetic beings (I would argue that we are energy beings first and foremost).

Our brains fire synapses all over our brain and synapses are electrical.

Our hearts are also energetic (think ECG machines that we use to revive people after they have heart attacks).

Our brains and hearts are, by far, our most important organs and they are both electrical. 


So, if we are Energy beings and Energy cannot be created nor destroyed and just is, then us humans (and all sentient/non-sentient beings in the universe) are all connected.

We are walking antennae for the universal Energy that permeates through the cosmos and WE ARE ALL CONNECTED.

This is my theory of The ‘Interconnectedness of Everything’.
There is a quote from the scriptures that says: ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is within.’ Not a truer word can you find in that book!

I believe the upper echelons of religions have known this all along, they are just keeping it as secret knowledge for themselves, perhaps even killing to keep this knowledge from the masses (no pun intended🤣)! 


When our physical body runs out of Energy or lacks the necessary functional biology to harness the Universal Energy then we are said to ‘die’. A better term is ‘pass away’ but, in my opinion, and even better term is gone on our ‘Cosmic Vacation’!

I believe that this is when we reconnect with the Universal Energy in its purest form!

Please leave your thoughts in the form of a comment below, each one is read and responded to by myself and they are highly valued! 

The Magical Power of Words


Mini rex rabbit appearing from a top hat, isolated

Words magic? You must be crazy!

We all know, or at least understand, that the words we use have tremendous power but most people wouldn’t go so far as to say that words are magic… or would we?

Ok, on one hand, we have the scientific skeptics who believe that magic doesn’t exist and, at best, ‘magic‘ is just an illusion of some sort.

And, on the other hand, we have believers of magic. These people, although with little to no proof that magic exists, believe in some way that magic is possible.

For me, it all depends on the definition of the word itself.

I have uncovered many definitions of the word magic on the internet but one in particular resonated with this article:


Enchanting or enthralling use of words; a powerful effect achieved by means of words.  – Oxford Dictionaries definition of magic


Right, let’s get down to brass tacks. I lived in Italy for ten years and as a consequence my second language is Italian, so I have the fortune to be able to make comparisons between the English and Italian languages.




In Italian the word ‘incantation’ is ‘incantesimo’ but both words have become almost obsolete in their respective languages.

Italians now say ‘una magia’ and English speaking people say ‘a magic spell’ or, simply, ‘a spell’.

Hmmm… interesting, a magic spell.

In order to make a word, any word, we must first do or know the spelling of that word.

This would imply that every word is a type of spell or a form of spelling.

Whether or not this means that every word is a magic spell is up to interpretation, but I would argue that every word holds within it the power of a [magic] spell, it all depends how you use your words.

If you use your words negatively or use negative words I would go so far as to say that you are negatively influencing your thoughts which, in turn, influence your reality.

Our thoughts and words program our minds into certain ways of thinking.

Let me give you an example of how we use our words in negative ways.

I’m going to refer to Italian first then we’ll compare the English version showing us how our languages are set, by default, to negative.



In Italian, a loaf of bread has two ‘culi’ which means ass/bum/bottom/butt/arse, etc.

So at the dining table, I regularly heard “I want the butt of the bread” or “pass [me] the ass” etc.

At face value, it seems almost cute, or at worst banal (pun intended), but if you compare the use of the word ‘ass’ to its counterpart, ‘head’, we can make some obvious comparisons and see the, almost, negative connotations.

We use our head for thinking, reasoning, and understanding while, on the other hand, we use our asses for…. well I’ll leave that to your imagination.

When we take the English version of this saying we have two sayings that I’m familiar with. One is ‘the heel of the bread/loaf’ and, where I come from, we also call it ‘the end of the bread/loaf’.

We, native speakers, don’t think anything of these expressions lest we take careful consideration or have the chance to compare them to other languages.

In Italy bread is a national institution, more so than, say, the church!

Yes it’s true, most Italians are more religious about bread than about religion itself (Italians frequent the baker daily, while most church-goers only visit the church weekly).

Bread can be found at the table at almost every meal (not always for breakfast, although in the summer fresh figs can easily be spread on a slice of bread for brekkie).

Imagine, one morning the Italians woke up to find out it was the end of the bread.

Chaos would ensue, every Italian would rush to their local baker and clear them out of stock.

I bet there would be country-wide panic and riots in the streets if the Italians couldn’t get their daily fix of bread!!!

Now, in my house, I no longer use this expression of lack, sometimes my loaf of bread has two starts or, sometimes, a start and an end to make the situation more balanced.



It doesn’t stop there, we have this uncanny knack of negatively programming our minds through the spells [words] we use.

For example, when something slips your mind your default setting/programming is to say, out loud, “I can’t remember”.

Here we have a prime example of how our words influence our thoughts or you might even say influence our reality as our thoughts shape our reality.

When a memory doesn’t come to you immediately it’s futile to use this expression as it won’t help you to remember what you want/need to remember.

Our thoughts shape our reality.

Five years ago I changed the arrangement of letters [spells] I use when trying to remember something, instead of saying “I can’t remember” I started saying “I choose to remember”.

I simply say “I choose to remember” and continue with my dialogue and 98% of the time it comes to me in seconds (it still surprises me to this day).

I had one instance where I used this method and the memory came to me after two days, and that was a rarity as it was something I was trying to remember that I had only heard once before but it came to me after two days nonetheless.

These words seem to have a magical effect on my mind memory!!!

The empowering word ‘choose’ makes a big difference to the negative ‘can’t’, try it out I guarantee almost instant results.




Let me give you a third (after all 3 is the magic number, so they say) and final example of how our words can influence our thoughts.

Again I’m going to use an example of the Italian language first: In Italian when it’s your birthday you are said to ‘finisce i anni’ which in English translates to ‘finish your years’.

This, of course, is referring to ‘finishing’ your prior years but if you think of it literally it means to finish your life!

When your years are finished, your life is over! This is not exactly a positive influence on your thoughts.

English is not much better, we say “I am 38 years old”, which means I’m old 38 years. This is programming our minds to believe that we are getting old or more decrepit.

There are those who try to change their reality like my grandparents, who are now on their cosmic vacation, who used to say they were “70 years young”.

This is a better choice by far, but I’d go that one step further by saying that I have 38 revolutions around the Sun”.

With every passing revolution I gain momentum, get quicker, become more awake (to myself), and get that little bit wiser (never forgetting that the more I learn the less I know!)

I have put a bit of thought into this affirmation as time itself isn’t linear.




We are taught by the history books at school that time is linear, over here on the left we have the big bang and the dinosaurs, while over here on the right we have ourselves in the present with the internet and all these wonderful, futuristic things.

Well, what if I was to propose that time isn’t linear but in fact elliptical?

In fact, we actually measure our time on an elliptical basis, one full year (a unit of time) is one full revolution of the Earth around the Sun and the Earth follows an elliptical path/orbit around the Sun.

One whole day (a unit of time) is a full revolution of the Earth on its axis and the Earth isn’t actually round (another generally accepted “universal truth”) it’s actually an ellipsoid, which basically means a sphere that is slightly flattened at the poles.

We also have the old saying ‘history repeats itself’, which is the same saying they have in Italy ‘la storia si ripete’. Why would we have this saying if time was linear…?!?

The way the timeline should look…


So doesn’t it make sense to say that you’re augmenting revolutions around the Sun?

Why must you get older, when you can get wiser instead?




You see we have to question the dogmas of today. Before us people, during the middle ages, generally accepted that the Earth was flat and at the centre of the universe.

Even though the ancient Greeks and Egyptians had already understood that the Earth was round and not at the centre of the universe the dogma during the middle ages was that the Earth was flat and at the centre of the universe.

Great minds of that time, like Copernicus, risked their careers and lives by going against the dogma of their time by proclaiming the Earth was round and revolved around the Sun.

We have to question what we believe to be ‘universal truths’.

Most people believe that words are simply words, I propose that they are much more than that. Every word you give life to is a little magic spell that you cast into reality.

Put some of this into practice in your day to day life and you will see and feel the difference. People may think you’re crazy but, remember, all of the world’s geniuses who are now on cosmic vacation were considered ‘crazy’ when they were alive!!!

If you found value in this article please share it with your friends via any of the social media links below the article. Don’t forget to leave a comment and let me know how these little lifehacks affect your life.

Why Do Our Cosmetics Contain No Preservatives?

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Our cosmetic products contain no preservatives because they do not contain water.

Preservatives are necessary in cosmetics because water is the perfect breeding ground for fungus, bacteria, yeast and mold.

These microorganisms are dangerous to your health, therefore preservatives are a necessary part of commercial cosmetics.

Lack of transparency in the industry

Most commercial cosmetics companies are very underhanded about labelling the ingredients of their products. We are meticulous about the transparency of what goes into our products.

There are many commercial cosmetic products available today that claim to be preservative-free but have water as the main ingredient.

How is this possible? We know that water is the ideal place for nasty microorganisms to proliferate. So how can they get away with not using a preservative?

You see there is a preservative system on the market with the INCI name “Fragrance”. This system cleverly ‘hides’ preservatives like formaldehyde, parabens and phthalates.

These ingredients are necessary to prevent the growth of the nasty microorganisms mentioned before. The FDA have proven them to be at a safe enough level for human use. But there is still some doubt about their effect on an immunocompromised person.

Transition away from chemicals

When my father-in-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer his oncologists strongly advised againsed the use of cosmetic products, dishwasher soaps and even non-organic foods. They believed the chemical ingredients and pesticide residue could have a negative effect on his already compromised immune system.

Our range of cosmetics have been designed with this in mind. Our lack of water allows us to use natural antioxidants like vitamin E in place of laboratory manufactured preservatives.

There is a way to avoid these chemicals completely in cosmetic products. That is by sourcing products that do not contain water and use antioxidants, like vitamin E, in place of preservatives.

Call to action

Our range of cosmetics offer all-natural, food-based ingredients which nourish your skin immensely. Your skin will thank you for investing in the highest quality skin care products you can find.

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