Why Do Our Cosmetics Contain No Preservatives?

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Our cosmetic products contain no preservatives because they do not contain water.

Preservatives are necessary in cosmetics because water is the perfect breeding ground for fungus, bacteria, yeast and mold.

These microorganisms are dangerous to your health, therefore preservatives are a necessary part of commercial cosmetics.

Lack of transparency in the industry

Most commercial cosmetics companies are very underhanded about labelling the ingredients of their products. We are meticulous about the transparency of what goes into our products.

There are many commercial cosmetic products available today that claim to be preservative-free but have water as the main ingredient.

How is this possible? We know that water is the ideal place for nasty microorganisms to proliferate. So how can they get away with not using a preservative?

You see there is a preservative system on the market with the INCI name “Fragrance”. This system cleverly ‘hides’ preservatives like formaldehyde, parabens and phthalates.

These ingredients are necessary to prevent the growth of the nasty microorganisms mentioned before. The FDA have proven them to be at a safe enough level for human use. But there is still some doubt about their effect on an immunocompromised person.

Transition away from chemicals

When my father-in-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer his oncologists strongly advised againsed the use of cosmetic products, dishwasher soaps and even non-organic foods. They believed the chemical ingredients and pesticide residue could have a negative effect on his already compromised immune system.

Our range of cosmetics have been designed with this in mind. Our lack of water allows us to use natural antioxidants like vitamin E in place of laboratory manufactured preservatives.

There is a way to avoid these chemicals completely in cosmetic products. That is by sourcing products that do not contain water and use antioxidants, like vitamin E, in place of preservatives.

Call to action

Our range of cosmetics offer all-natural, food-based ingredients which nourish your skin immensely. Your skin will thank you for investing in the highest quality skin care products you can find.

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About Jeff Pine

Jeff Pine is an Irish, Malta-based blogger, freelance writer, truth-seeker, mistake-maker, lesson-learner and founder of jeffpine.com. Jeff (nom de plume) has overcome various ailments such as poor digestion (symptoms of IBS), a debilitating form of psoriasis and extreme mental fog (poor memory). JeffPine.com's mission is to disseminate favourable information on positive living, bio-hacking, how to clean up our lifestyle by making informed decisions about the food and water we consume and much more.
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